Who should Attend

Target audience:

Our intended audience are researchers who work on areas related to Ar
tificial Intelligence for Social Robots Interacting with Humans in the Real World, in the fields or topics included in the 'topics of interest' section, but not limited to only these. 

Due to the increasing interest in Artificial Intelligence in Human Robot Interaction, the workshop is expected to be of interest to researchers from academia, industry, and military research labs.

Attendance of our workshop should be of interest because it is an opportunity to talk and ask questions more closely to experienced researchers inside this field during the invited and plenary talks.

Furthermore, the 2 hours of pannel discussion are an opportunity to discuss the future of this field of research and put into discussion several interesting ideas to be developed in future works.

In addi
tion, it is an opportunity to start to build a community to be able to make future associations for projects to combine the better research abilities of different labs around the world in projects like the AI4HRI trilateral project that we are involved in. We expect to advance our research together towards more advanced methods that enable robots to collaborate with humanlike capabilities.



Relationship to the conference proper:


We believe that in the future human-robot interaction should be merged with artificial intelligence to build robots able to reason and learn about their interactions with people and their environment, and to become better versions of themselves, as humans try to do all the time. It is important to discuss how we envision the future direction of artificial intelligence for social robots, and with a workshop format we can cultivate more discussion than a regular IROS session. Moreover, a workshop format will provide more opportunities for participants, including young-researchers, speakers, the organizers, and other participants, to interact with each other.

Finally, the proposed workshop fits well within the IROS2022 theme of “Embodied AI for Symbiotic Society,” as the main objective of the workshop is to build a community and discuss how to achieve a better symbiosis between the environments, robots, and humans by way of applying artificial intelligence to human-robot interaction in the real world.

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